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Why Traditional Carpets Are Becoming Outdated?

Why Traditional Carpets Are Becoming Outdated - Wood4Floors Blog

There is more choice in floor coverings than ever before: wood, laminate, vinyl, cork, bamboo, stone, and tile. Does all this choice, explain why traditional carpets are becoming outdated and obsolete? That’s only part of the story…there are fundamental problems in the production and usage of carpet as a floor covering. Here we outline some of the issues:

Health risks

Carpets harbour dirt, dust, dust mites and bacteria. The padding and underlay is the perfect environment for mould and mildew to develop too. The floor covering is not deemed safe for people with allergies, asthma, breathing difficulties or respiratory conditions. 

Environmental concerns

Carpets are not eco-friendly. They are made from synthetic materials and harmful levels of chemicals are emitted during production. There are greener choices such as sustainable wool. But another problem is that they’re notoriously difficult to recycle and most end up in landfills.

Cleaning and maintenance

Stains are more likely to occur as the material is not water resistant and removal is extremely difficult. Carpets also attract odours from pets, cigarettes or cooking. While running round with a hoover my seem fairly easy, your consuming lots of electricity to clean them.

Price and longevity

Wood floors where once considered a luxury. But, the price has decreased substantially as the marketplace has become more competitive. While wood still costs more than carpet; consumers seem to be happier to pay the extra for something that could last 100 years or more. Cost-conscious Brits are now realising that its value and longevity that counts.



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